Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Essay on Effects Terrorism has on our Nation - 613 Words

Effects Terrorism has on our Nation Purpose: To inform readers of the effects the recent terrorist attacks have on society today. Audience: General Thesis: The terrorist attack on America has affected the economy, tourism and the foreign society tremendously. The Effects Terrorism has on Society From the lips of the FBI, â€Å"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objective.† On September 11, 2001 the United States of America experienced such actions, it was the largest terror attack experienced by any country. The affect this had on America was tremendous,†¦show more content†¦According to statistics, tourism generates more than three point five trillion dollars in revenue worldwide. Eighteen million American are employed in travel and tourism related jobs. In America one out of every ten people are employed in travel. Travel and Tourism has generated ninety nine point five billion in revenue for federal, state and local governments. The state of the industry since September 11, 2001 is as follows: Airlines have experienced two point one billion in losses and more than one hundred thousand layoffs. Employment domestically has experienced a ten percent drop in demand and employment globally has experienced a thirty percent drop in demand. Hotels have experienced a two billion dollar lost in room revenue and meeting room and convention industry has experienced a one billion dollar loss. As a whole the entire Travel and Tourism industry have experienced an enormous drop in revenues. The foreign society suffered greatly, some foreigners were placed under strict investigation by the United States Government. International travel was placed at a halt. Many families were separated because many came to America and were not declared citizens of the United States. These people were considered aliens and they were forced to leave as they underwent heavy interrogation. Some foreigners experienced racial prejudices because they were of the same nationality of the suspects, who attack ourShow MoreRelatedTerrorism And The Acts Of Terrorists867 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorism and the acts of terrorists are recognized by few as a new phenomenon, but known by many to be an old phenomenon. Terrorism has existed for decades and continues to thrive today. There are many definitions that were created to define terrorism and a terrorist act; however, the definitions are not one in the same. Essentially the definitions vary, and that depends on the person or organization providing the definition. The one often used or recognized is â€Å"terrorism is the use or threat ofRead MoreOverview of Terrorism946 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorism Terrorism is like a virus in the global world. Everyone has a responsibility to eradicate terrorism. 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